What you carry each day is very important to help you through what you do these few steps can help you decide what to carry, why and when to help you refine your EDC.

1. The Basics

The basics are likely what you are already carrying. this includes things like your phone, keys, and wallet. Manny with Parable goods is making some amazing, simple wallets that can help you refine the simplicity of your EDC.
2. Knives

Of cores a knife or two are going to make it on my list. I currently carry a small fixed blade named the 'pocket robin' made by me (pictured in the first photo of the blog), as well as a Milwaukee fastback. I love carrying a fixed blade for durable slicing and chopping. I carry the utility bade for fine cuts and or if I'm cutting on a surface that my damage my blade.
3. Self Defense

Weather you carry anything in addition to a knife on you for self defense is up to you. I have been carrying the Glock 43x for about 3 years and have really liked it. whatever you carry just keep in mind that you want it to be small enough to be comfortable to carry yet powerful enough to stop someone if ever needed.